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«Ichane ou C’était Dieu que je cherchais…» (2013)

TONIA SCHILLING COMPANY feat. Sabot du Vent Company, N’djamena/Chad,

on-wall performance

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«It was God I was looking for,

I found Him, and then...»

Yunus Emré

The project emerged following an invitation to Swiss choreographer Tonia Schilling by Chad choreographer Yaya Sarria to provide continuing training as part of the Rencontres chorégraphiques Tchado-Suisses.  Along with Yaya Sarria, five dancers were selected by the Swiss Choreographer to take part in a new creation for six dancers and two musicians.  Following initial work in N'djamena, the creation took place during the festival juilletdanse in Fribourg, Switzerland.

A heated debate started within the group and led to a fundamental questioning of faith and of the motivation and the urging need for the artist to create and express himself. Can we consider this never-ending quest to be the perpetual spiritual search with the desire to live out ones faith?



Artistic director and choreographer: Tonia Schilling

Assistance: Yaya Sarria

Dance: Berthoud Kodjima, Saleh Abdoulaye Maïna, Saleh Abdoulaye Maïna, Aimé Mornode, Jean Boog, Théodore Jamal Noudjingar, Yaya Sarria

Live music: Maurice Bejila Ganda, Ngarta Gaudi

Sound composition: Matthias Von Imhoff

Stage design and prop: Alejandra Brunner

Costumes: Nelia Couture

Light design: Jean-Baptiste Gachoud

Video: Cyril Akamba

Photography: Stéphane Schmutz


Duration: 40 min


Performance by: FIDO Festival International de Danse Ouagadougou 2014, Burkina Faso I

6e festival juilletdanse, 2013, Fribourg/Switzerland


With the support of: Etat de Fribourg, Agglomération de Fribourg, Loterie Romande, Fonds culturel Sud


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