«Ruah» (2011)
TONIA SCHILLING COMPANY feat. VJ Pulp & Matthias von Imhoff, multimedia performance
«Move and breath into the silence.»
Tonia Schilling




«Ruah» Hebrew: breathing, wind, storm, spirit, life force, soul.
Like the wind and breathing, it is a dynamic force coming from the unknown and going in its own direction. Nobody can see it as it is visible only through what it creates.
Based on the sound of Tonia Schilling’s breath, Pierre de Senarclens and Matthias von Imhoff create live images and sounds they blend with recorded images and sounds. Breathing gives birth to multiple types of movements: from the dancer’s movement to the forms it draws on the screen and the sound it produces during the performance. Extending and multiplying an individual’s breath, the creation refers to the unlimited space dimensions and the invisible but yet omnipresent force of the breath. “Ruah” offers the public an intimate and soft dialogue with breath; the first and last actions in a person’s life.
Idea and dance: Tonia Schilling
Concept: whole group
Visuals: Pierre de Senarclens
Sounds: Matthias von Imhoff
Light design: Jean-Baptiste Gachoud
Photography: Yves Brügger
Movie: Pierre de Senarclens
Video: Pierre Kunetka
Duration: 30 min
Co-production: TONIA SCHILLING COMPANY and Fri-Son, Fribourg/Switzerland
Performance by: 4e Festival juilletdanse, 2011, Fribourg/Switzerland
With the support of: Etat de Fribourg, Agglomération de Fribourg, Ville de Fribourg, Loterie Romande, Fondation Örtli, Para Travel, L’Alternatif, Conservatoire des thérapies naturelles