«Mandala» (2013)
fodac Company, participative street performance
(Training program Company)

«We stand in the center of our
own circle, and everything we see,
hear and think
forms the mandala of our life.»
Pema Chodron




«Mandala» is the result of a research work carried out during the fodac training course around the themes of the circle and the line, and their interdependency in movement, in the sense of on one hand, gesture and choreography, and on the other hand the multiple channels of communication occurring during a performance: communication between the performers among themselves, with the audience, and between the audience and other invisible beings…
The audience is made fully part of the creation process.
Idea, concept and artistic direction: Tonia Schilling
Choreography: Tonia Schilling and the dancers
Dance: Anne-Sophie Bovet, Sophie Desvilles, Patricia Gienal, Anne Joly, Sandra Liechti, Marianne Reber, Olga Schmid, Claire Vionnet
Music: «Oxiam» The Young Gods
Sound composition: Matthias von Imhoff
Duration: 15 min
Performance by: 6e Festival juilletdanse, 2013, Fribourg/Switzerland I Place du Marché, 2013, Montreux/Switzerland I
Fête de la danse, 2013, Fribourg/Switzerland
With the support of: Ville de Fribourg, Loterie Romande